If your household income is $67,000 or less, you may qualify for Free Income Tax Preparation. There are two locations for our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program this year:


Wicomico VITA
500 Snow Hill Road
Salisbury MD 21804
Somerset VITA
12409 Loretto Road
Princess Anne MD 21853


Please pick up our Tax Packet at either of our locations. Make certain that you include all required documents. You may either drop off your taxes and documents for preparation or schedule an appointment to meet with a volunteer tax preparer.

  Document List:

  • A social security card for EACH family member.
  • Every taxpayer must bring their photo ID.
  • W-2 forms for all jobs worked in 2024.
  • Bank routing and account number to direct deposit your refund. Voided checks work best. Refunds may be placed in more than one account.
  • Child care provider name, address and tax ID number.
  • A copy of last year’s tax return (optional).
  • Any documentation or information about money you have received from the IRS or your state of residency.
  • All 1099 forms for other income, if applicable.
  • Form 1095-A if you received the Premium Tax Credit to help pay for health insurance.
  • Any other tax related documents you have received.

For additional information, contact our Tax Office at eitc@shoreup.org, or call 410-749-1142 x 1903.