SHORE UP! Inc. has recently received funding that will allow the agency to assist individuals or families who are experiencing difficulties as a result of COVID-19. Recipients must be low to moderate income, or up to 200% of the poverty level. They must also reside in Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester or Queen Anne’s counties.

SHORE UP! is offering rental assistance to each eligible household. Prospective recipients must provide lease documentation, proof of income to ensure sustainability, and their landlord must agree to receive payment from the agency.

Those who obtain rental assistance from the Community Action Agency will receive rental counseling, which includes establishment of a realistic budget, financial education and coaching services.

Executive Director Freddy L. Mitchell reminds everyone that although rental help is needed and is the primary area of concern for many, it is just one aspect of possible COVID assistance.

“If you need food, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), energy assistance or any other COVID related support, contact SHORE UP! immediately,” says Mitchell. “We are here to provide as much aid as possible, until all funds are depleted.”

Due to the receipt of COVID funds, anyone above 150% of the poverty level and up to 200% of the poverty level may also seek energy relief.

For income guidelines, visit

For more information or to apply for COVID assistance, e-mail, or call Odetta Evans, Housing counselor and Program coordinator, at 410-749-1142 ext. 356.



Categories: News Releases & PSAs